março 02, 2008

Since I was a child, I always though about my future.

Nowadays, I see that the future is more hard.

So much work, study and a little time to realy live my life.

Many things in my head. Many peoples in my heart.

Sometimes I am tired about some problems that I have created.

Upheavals, illnesses and depression – Cannot seem, but all of this take part of my full life.

But I am really happy despite all of this.

I have great friends, a perfect family and a wonderfull boyfriend.

One day, maybe all my problems can disappear…

I will able to buy a car, an apartament and travel around the world; I will marry, and had kids.

Finally, I will go to age, and looked to my past.

I will discover that my life was really perfect and wonderfull.

So, writing this, I am not wait for the future, nor think about this.

I am just live.

Um comentário:

Some random thoughts of me disse...

Oi, procurei no google por 'whisper words of wisdom' e achei seu blog, adorei, vou ler mais textos quando tiver um tempo. Estou criando um, se puder ler e comentar, o endereço é mas já vou avisando que meu inglês é